All Updated Rules will be Accepted by the Social Workers & All Staff Members of AMBLS Foundation

जिस प्रकार हम दिए गए निश्चित अनुपात में मुनाफे को बाटते हैं ठीक उसी
प्रकार हम घाटे को भी बाटेंगे............

Just as we share profits in a given ratio,
In the same way
We will share losses also.

Read The Terms and Conditions Carefully Before Joining
Investment as gift for The Unemployment Project

1. Check Regulatory Bodies: Contact the relevant social work regulatory body in your jurisdiction. They may provide information on the legal and ethical standards that social workers are expected to follow.
2. Employer Documentation: If you are employed as a social worker, review any contracts, employment agreements, or policies provided by your employer. These documents often outline the terms and conditions of employment, including ethical guidelines.
3. Professional Associations: Many countries have professional associations for social workers that may offer guidance on ethical standards and professional conduct. Check with your local or national social work association for information.
4. Legal Consultation: If you have specific legal questions or concerns, consider consulting with a legal professional who specializes in employment law or social work regulation.
Remember that terms and conditions can vary widely depending on your location, employer, and specific circumstances. Always refer to the most relevant and up-to-date sources for accurate information.

Terms and Conditions for [] Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") carefully before using [] ("the Website") operated by AMBLS Charitable Trust ("the Company"). This Agreement sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of the Website. By accessing or using the Website in any manner, including, but not limited to, visiting or browsing the Website or contributing content or other materials to the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1. User Responsibilities: 1.1. You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with this Agreement. 1.2. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information associated with your account. 1.3. You are responsible for any content you post, transmit, or otherwise make available on the Website.

2. Prohibited Activities: 2.1. You are prohibited from engaging in any of the following activities on the Website: a. Violating any applicable laws or regulations. b. Impersonating any person or entity or falsely representing your affiliation with any person or entity. c. Collecting and using personal information of others without their consent. d. Uploading, posting, or transmitting any material that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

3. Intellectual Property Rights: 3.1. The Website and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by the Company and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. 3.2. You may not modify, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works or adaptations of, publicly display or in any way exploit any of the content on the Website in whole or in part without the Company's prior written consent.

4. Disclaimers of Liability: 4.1. The Website and its content are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranties, express or implied. 4.2. The Company does not warrant that the Website will be uninterrupted or errorfree. 4.3. The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website.

5. Warranties and Guarantees: 5.1. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content on the Website. 5.2. The Company does not warrant that any product, service, or information obtained through the Website will meet your expectations or requirements.

6. Termination of Agreement: 6.1. The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time without notice and for any reason. 6.2. You may terminate this Agreement by discontinuing your use of the Website.

7. Privacy Policy: 7.1. The Company collects, stores, and uses personal information as outlined in the Privacy Policy available on the Website.

8. Changes to the Terms and Conditions: 8.1. The Company reserves the right to modify or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. 8.2. The Company will notify users of any material changes to the Terms and Conditions through a notice on the Website or via email. 8.3. Continued use of the Website after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

By using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, please do not access or use the Website. This Agreement is effective as of [effective date] and shall remain in effect until terminated. Please contact us at [email address] if you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions.

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