Choose your Desired Education package

Hi-tech school | Affordable School | YouTube Digital School

Old Study New Study with Technology
Dictation Voice Cmd
Writing Voice Cmd
Type Games
Vocabulary Apps
Dictation Searching Key Words
Writing Templates for Letters Applications, Etc.
Writing Writing Manner (Chat GPT)
Reading Text to Speech
Pronunciation Google Translator
Translation Google Translator

Examination Process

Old Exam Process V/S New Exam Process
Memorization Exam V/S Knowledgeable Exam
Cramming V/S Intelligence
Memorization Exam V/S Understanding Exam
Comprehension V/S Curiosity
Memory Test V/S Concept Test
So, The Result Must Be like - Experimentative, Resourceful & Creative
  • The Digital World will not endorse written exams.
  • Students will receive tasks to assess their skills.
  • Open Discussion Session in front of Friends Family Relatives
  • Scholarship Exams will be Held
  • Sponsors will also organize foundational exams.
  • Students will be motivated for constructive or constitutive or creative exams.
  • Apps and games will also be included in exams to enhance time management.

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